Monday, July 29, 2013

the mediterranean chicken feta wrap

The perfect dinner option that is relatively healthy and easy!
I was exhausted after working at the hospital the entire day, but didn't want to sacrifice me and Albert's healthy diet plan. I quickly stopped by cityshop to pick up some chicken breasts and laffa bread, along with some fresh veggies - tomatos, red onion, cilantro, lemon. I also remembered that I had some Greek yogurt and feta left over in my fridge.

Slice up chicken breasts and sprinkle some bread crumbs over them (and a little paprika if desired), then place on the pan with some EVOO. Remove when browned, and squeeze fresh lemon juice over the chicken and dust with pepper!
Slice up them veggies! Ah... I forgot to grab a cucumber while at the store.
Heat up laffa bread over the pan briefly until soft and warm. Spread EVOO, yogurt and feta on the bread.
Pile the chicken and veggies on top. Wrap, slice in half and voila! DELICIOUS!
A great homemade meal despite a long work day.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

one night (or a few) in beijing

Work and food, food, food.

The first stop after my meeting: Beijing Roast Duck at Da Dong Duck. Several locations, check the website for the one nearest you. Still one of the best places for duck that I've been to. Long wait and they've stopped taking reservations? No problem, they provide complementary cocktails and wine while you wait!
Delicious sauce and toppings to be added to your duck roll. A Beijing favorite: sugar.

Dozens of layers of soft dough wrap

Bitter melon with bean paste
Lobster pasta
Mala fish and arugula
Manchurian Food at Na Jia Xiao Guan. Also several locations. So good, so memorable, divine service.
Special soup for women with high nutrients and secret ingredients for beauty and health - including a sprinkling of pearl powder for skincare
Perfectly steamed rice to be mixed into the soup, or to have the soup drizzled on - depending on your preference

Delicious condiments - cilantro, preserved tofu, chili oil
Chicken with peppercorn and walnuts
Chinese yams with osmanthus
Lychee shrimp
A bird that greets customers
The infamous Sanlitun for shopping, expat restaurants and drinks. Horrible traffic 24/7, commercialized but still undeniably chic - Sanlitun is still necessary to visit every now and then if you crave the comfort of international stomping grounds, cupcakes and expensive drinks.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

five things

 Here's my list of loves for the month of July.
The summer season is blessed in Shanghai with lotus buds by the plentiful. Visit your local florist for a bouquet - but do make sure you pick the freshest set available. These will surely liven up your living space but are somewhat high maintenance because they require fresh water daily. Enjoy and spread the zen.

Though I got my masks from Taiwan, these should be available on Taobao or at your local beauty store. This works wonders after a stressful day or a late night out. Cool tip: refrigerate before using.

I just got the most amazing ear massage at Spring Massage, a local Shanghainese franchise. At a whopping 35RMB for twenty minutes of bliss, I'd say it's worth it. A professional ear masseuse will not only clean and massage your inner ear, they will also give you a quick scalp massage. A great treat for cheap.

Discovering this after receiving it as a birthday gift from a dear friend, Manuka Honey is not only known for it's delicate and delicious taste but also for health benefits - more specifically, it's used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial treatment, for cancer prevention/treatment, reduces high cholesterol, is a diabetes treatment, and a gastrointestinal treatment. Miracle in a jar if you ask me.

What's not to love about this? Be chic and sleek by keeping your nails short and clean this season with this color. It may not be the newest color out but it surely goes with everything, and is both refined yet sassy. Love it!