Monday, July 29, 2013

the mediterranean chicken feta wrap

The perfect dinner option that is relatively healthy and easy!
I was exhausted after working at the hospital the entire day, but didn't want to sacrifice me and Albert's healthy diet plan. I quickly stopped by cityshop to pick up some chicken breasts and laffa bread, along with some fresh veggies - tomatos, red onion, cilantro, lemon. I also remembered that I had some Greek yogurt and feta left over in my fridge.

Slice up chicken breasts and sprinkle some bread crumbs over them (and a little paprika if desired), then place on the pan with some EVOO. Remove when browned, and squeeze fresh lemon juice over the chicken and dust with pepper!
Slice up them veggies! Ah... I forgot to grab a cucumber while at the store.
Heat up laffa bread over the pan briefly until soft and warm. Spread EVOO, yogurt and feta on the bread.
Pile the chicken and veggies on top. Wrap, slice in half and voila! DELICIOUS!
A great homemade meal despite a long work day.