Monday, February 4, 2013

weekend discovery

Victoria and I spent some quality time walking through the city this weekend. The weather was surprisingly pleasant, so we felt the need to take advantage and enjoy it.

Sproutworks - yummy and healthy. They actually have kale! 
...and unlimited refills of strawberry lemonade available.

Lunch at Sproutworks Cafe
Address: 167 Xinle Lu, Cross street is Dong Hu Lu
Phone: 5466-1677

I found this wall to be so beautiful! It's on Huai Hai Lu, close to Dong Hu Lu.

Baker One for the sweet tooth - which in this case, was the both of us.

This was my choice of the two desserts we shared. Raspberry Lychee Mousse.

Afternoon Tea at Baker One (加焙坊)
Address: 559 Nanchang Lu, near  Shaanxi Nan Lu
Phone: 6211-8217

Jiashan Market, every other Saturday - rain or shine

Our new friends from France
A stroll through Jiashan Market, where I brought home a bottle of red, and some homemade organic soap!
Address: Lane 550 off Shaanxi South Road, or the lane entrance by 259 Jiashan Lu
Phone: 54659519

And these, to brighten up my living room.

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